
Saturday, June 11, 2011

8th Grade

I had inspiration to write this...

     There I was, dancing on the dance floor of our 8th grade promotion dance. I shook my hair out of its pony tail, and started dancing like crazy. My barefoot feet kept moving to the beat of the deafening music and I started yelling at the top of my lungs. I did a few backflips to amuse Courtney, and then laughed as I saw my math teacher stare at me. I just wanted to keep dancing, stuffing myself with candy, and staying with my friends forever, having loads of fun. But nothing lasts forever. As the lady in the front yelled, "Last dance, people!", I dragged my friends to the middle of the dance floor. We danced 'round and 'round, until I fell to the ground laughing. I was so happy, because I could dance with everyone. But I was so sad, because it was my last dance with my middle school friends. Everyone was going to Woodbridge for high school, whereas I was going to Northwood. As the dance finally ended, I smiled one sad smile. Ali and I took two balloons from the dance room, and started walking outside on a red carpet (the dance was Hollywood-themed). I looked at the dark sky, then the balloon, then Ali. We nodded at each other, and let go of our balloons together. I stared at the two intertwined balloons as they drifted out into the starry night. They slowly disappeared, and I sighed. My middle school days have floated away just like the balloons. And also like the balloons, they're not coming back.

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