I feel like I'm always having something in the back of my mind telling me that I'm doing something wrong, or I have to do something. Often there are several things that I need to think about or do. I dislike my messy thinking, and I know I should do something, but I feel like running away....If this is a portion of what high schoolers feel like, I can understand how they break down from stress during SATs... But I'm not used to working so long on homework...I still need to do many things... I should really organize my time, but my laziness is catching up on me. I think laziness develops as you grow older. School disciplines it for you, but I guess some students just end up slacking off. I'm just pushing everything back, but ya know. I feel like my mind is always wandering to somewhere else. My blog posts kind of don't make sense, cuz its just me rambling on about my thoughts. But its my blog; unless its famous or something, I have a reason to type it up my way. I'm not doing this for other people's entertainment. And I just feel like the organized format of many blogs that only focus on one thing is WAY to restricting. Even if its just about the things you do daily. I've tried it before, in my head, but it is just so BORING. My mind wanders off topic, about my schedule, about the things I need to do, and all that boring stuff. I'm just wasting time doing this blog. My mind is starting to get off topic.
I don't even get why I have to organize some things for stuff. Or study. For school. First off, what is school for? Most kids in elementary school probably think it's to please their parents or to get a good job. For me, I see it as not failing my parents' expectations, and for me to live a good life. But what is a good life? It's a life full of happiness, right? But ask yourself this, who in the world has actually been truly happy? Except for those religious monks or whatever who believe that the true path to happiness is believing in god or that stuff. I wonder about that question. I'm sure people have been satisfied with their lives, but I don't think I would....In my opinion, my current life is not very satisfactory. I find that we are living only for the small moments of happiness. For me, that would be playing with my friends. But not much other than that gives me joy, mostly because I know I'm wasting time even if I'm having fun. Time goes on, and its not going to wait for you. I feel like the life ahead of me would be really boring, full of hard work, and all that stuff. I'm just following the ideals of the common person in my district - go to high school, go to college, potentially go to graduate school, go to some sort of specialized school (doctor, engineering, etc.), get a job, retire, and die. But its just so BORING. And why am I following this? Because it's the easy way out. It's what everyone's doing, and I'm just going with the flow. If I really had the motivation and/or incentive to, I would do something else. But that would require MORE WORK. That's what I think. That's the main reason why most people don't speak up for most things, like all the major problems in this world. I would say more on the subject, but I'm probably going to repeat it in the near future blogposts, so watevs.
While we try and correct past and present problems, the future problems are popping up. The people who see it often do not act upon it, probably justifying (not aloud though, or else they'll sound like a jerk), "It's so far away in the future, I won't have to deal with it. Anyways, other people like Obama will save us." Some who do act on it often do not make a big impact. Like if your recycling to save the planet. <<<That's only going to delay your problems. Anyways, fossil fuels are used on the machines that recycle, and the machines also probably pollute the world. Then there are the few people in the world who actually go to the root of the problem and try to actually make a difference. Now, the reason why many don't actually actively and smartly do something against a problem may be because they don't want to endanger their stable life, they're afraid, they're too dumb to do something about it, or they are absolutely in a position where they can't do anything. Those are some of the reasons why the world doesn't change, despite all the talk of "We should save the planet!" or "Let's do something about the terrorists!". Well people, why don't YOU do something about it. The world's not going to change if you just wait and stare at the news, complaining about the Earth's problems that are probably going to make it commit suicide because we're treating it so badly. Well, I shouldn't be saying anything cuz I'm not doing anything. I'm being pretty hypocritical(?) about this but I just wanted to rant. I feel like there's so much that's just wrong in the world - we were better off not being a superior race and just staying as monkeys or watever. I feel like the way the governments and world are approaching their problems and their priorities are off also - but I shouldn't be criticizing that either, because I don't know their full problems or a way to fix it. To step up...what does it really mean? The wikileaks person tried telling people the bad things the governments do, and now the government chasing after him or whatever, even when he did just what the 1st Amendment told him he could do. What could
I do to improve the world? Especially with my regular life going on. I'm gonna think on that....