

      I had a dream that I was suddenly transported to the Antarctic to an iceberg from another dream I had (something about sleeping on couches i think o-o). I got transported with my brother for some reason, by the way. The scenery was EXTREMELY beautiful. It was like, really really super duper nice. As I was admiring the scenery, I suddenly saw a giant floating cookie on the water, so I immediately swam to it, and climbed to the top of it.Then a voice popped into my head saying, this isn't a cookie, it's a dead HUMAN...cookie. So I took a bite out of the human cookie thing (incidentally, the cookie was in the shape of a human) and decided that it wasn't too human,and so I used the cookie as a boat to get out of the Antarctic (I kind of ditched my brother back at the iceberg :P ). So my giant cookie turned into a slippery seal (? I dunno what it was) for me to ride, which was really hard. Then, in the water, I saw a man with a huge beard (he looked like a hobo) begging me to let him accompany me, so, because I am an incredibly kind-hearted person, I let him go on my seal thing that conveniently turned into a boat. Actually, somewhere along the ride, the hobo man kind of disappeared, but I forgot about him like how I forgot about my brother. But I kept riding, and I got to this narrow strait thingy, with gigantour icebergs on each side, and when I got to the end of it, there was a waterfall, which also had a giant flat screen T.V. on the side of it.I swiftly jumped out of my boat to avoid the waterfall and climbedto the side of the strait, and grabbed my boat out of the water. I toppled over the TV with my boat, and tried to straighten both of them up. As I was doing this a large man in a forest ranger suit came over and helped me out so that I got to the bottom of the waterfall.
      By the way, the scenery changed drastically. In the back of me, it was still the Antarctic, but in the front, the scenery became a vast ocean with a beach cluttered with various things (like boats, houses, cars, buildings, and such) but it also shifted slightly to the ranger's little house and a background that looked like the scenery of driving to Nevada. As my school suddenly flew from the sky into the beach, the hobo I saved popped up with a bunch of other people. Now the hobo was cleanly shaven in a tuxedo. I was suddenly reminded about my brother when my phone started ringing and I got a picture of an absolutely gorgeous aurora borealis. So I tried calling my brother but then I forgot about him again (later on he randomly comes back in another boat). I asked the ranger how to get out of there, and he said that only the seasonal helicopter could get us out of this place. Then we started eating KFC and pickles and cucumbers and corn and started fighting about who gets more food because of the small rations and started plotting our way into getting back by boat or by land but we didn't have enough food so we kept fighting and yeah.

