
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Summer Vacation: New York :D

Hey guys! Long time no blog :P I've been my usual lazy self and I haven't really caught up with my blogging. But anyways~
I'm in New York again! If you didn't realize from the title :3 And this time, I've been training a lot for fencing.  I've been training and actually both NJ and NY, and both are really helpful. But I've seriously been worked to the bone, and I'm looking forward to my true vacation in Asia (we're going to Korea and China after NY).
We've done a lot of things here. We ate this AMAZING FOOD cuz that's what New York is all about. X3 There's this super good food place in the middle of Manhattan that is freakin expensive but sells REALLY yummy yakitori. At least, I think that that is what the food was called. My parents bought some thirty-something dollar sake also. Also, at Central Park, there's this insanely yummy waffle cart with the BEST toppings, called "dinges". It both sounds and tastes yummy. X3 And in New Jersey, we ate at this Veggie Haven place which had a bunch of Asian meat dishes that were all vegan. The vegan cheesecake was also super delicious :D I actually have a couple of pictures, but I'm too lazy to upload them.
But the best part of going to New York was the Broadway shows. Oh my god. They are the most amazingest bestest things ever. XD We watched Wicked and Lion King. I personally thought that Wicked had better singing, but Lion King was much more...visually enhanced, I guess. The people acting as animals had these masks and costumes and stuff and it was really cool :D And it was fun and easy to follow the plot. I have to say though that I liked Wicked better. I think that it had a much more complex plot, and there were many deep and meaningful points and themes throughout the entire show. Plus, Glinda (aka Guh-linda, with a silent "G" XD ) was just so funny. And the singers were AMAZING. I seriously do not regret getting the Wicked CD. Though I personally liked the new singers live than the old singers on a CD.
Unfortunately, I don't have pics of the shows I went to either, cuz its not allowed. I do have pictures of the sets the shows were on, though I am too lazy to upload those as well. Maybe later XD

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Here are some pics of the cat. It still comes to us, but we don't let it in anymore D:

Whatcha lookin' at, fool?!

 I may look cute and innocent here, but I'm actually a RABID CARRIER OF ALLERGIES!!!!

No take mah milk D:<

Yeah, stupid cat is giving me allergies =/ But I love it anyways. Even if we lock it up now. I was thinking that maybe we should test its loyalty to us by giving it a bath >:D It would absolutely hate that ehehehe And here's a link that just reminded me of all cats:

And here's some other awesome pics of squirrels that I found near one of the universities near me:

I found it really fun chasing them around. We almost cornered one, but then it scurried up a tree =[

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Gas Leak

Today at school, there was a gas leak =_= It started at lunch, when the announcer said, "Don't panic, but there's a gas leak. Stay calm. Just know that you can't come in from the front entrance or go past the gym." And you could actually smell the gas o-o So me and my friends went up to our club to avoid smelling the nasty gas (lol I'm a really immature person). And then naturally, I started freaking out about my science quiz.
After lunch, I went to 6th period science and took the quiz. Then the announcer lady on the speaker started to say in a fear-suppressed voice that we needed to evacuate cuz of the gas leak. It was kind of funny, actually, because she seemed like she was completely freaking out on the inside. And our teacher looked kinda annoyed because she interrupted the exam and was talking so much. It was pretty entertaining, overall. :P So we were evacuated, and I found my other friendsies, and we walked a FREAKING MILE UP THIS LONG WINDING ROAD. =________= My mom picked me up before I got to the Pavilions mall (I never even knew there was a mall near our middle-of-nowhere school lol) and we ate and went home.

btw, sorry for sounding so lifeless in this post. I'm really tired T^T And I got  92% on the quiz. So yeah. Sigh

Sunday, April 29, 2012

freaking cat

Oh my God(s? depending on your religion). I have a freaking cat in my room. Like, fur and meows and everything. It's meowing continously and I have no clue what I'm supposed to do =_=
It started off yesterday at around 8:30-9:00 AM. I was on my computer playing games and stuff, and then I heard this incessant meowing. I ignored it at first, but then I decided to go downstairs, because naturally I was really curious. So then I see a CAT ON MY DOORSTEP. And it seemed to love me. So I was like, does it need something? And I dunno. So I freaked out and called my best friend Elisabeth (my parents weren't home and were playing badminton). And she told me she couldn't come over and help me until she finished her homework. Thanks for the help, Elisabeth. =_= So I decided to go to her house instead with the cat, but it didn't want to leave the neighborhood (for some odd reason, it followed me everywhere. Maybe it was just lonely?). So then it struck me, maybe it lives in my neighborhood? I dunno. All I knew at that point was that I had a stray and NO ONE COULD HELP ME T^T
So I went back home, made a mini den for him/her to sleep on (cutting off access to the rest of my house, of course), gave him/her some water, and did my homework near the cat, waiting for my negligent parents to come home. Which was fine and dandy, if I wasnt allergic to cats. T^T Like, what in the world? Why must fate be so cruel? I love cats, but are allergic to cats. This sucks. Anyways, after around an hour or so, my nose and hands were starting to itch and my throat was feeling funny. Also, it wouldn't stop meowing (and still won't)!!!! But it was so cute, I forgave it :3 It kept meowing until it's throat was sore, so I felt like something was wrong with it...I dunno. Then, after a little bit, Elisabeth called and said she couldn't come. ^sighs^
So I wait until like 10:15 with the cat and FINALLY my parents come home. The cat has gotten incredibly attached to me at that point (probably has something to do with the fact that I let it in and made it warm) but were a bit hostile to my parents, not knowing who they were. It was on the verge of leaving, but my parents wanted to play with it. So I beckoned (wth? lol) to it and it came! So we fed it with some salmon we had conveniently purchased earlier in the day, and it got so happy! :3 And it was a little less hostile to my parents.
Then, I played some piano (I was supposed to before, but the cat came). Strangely enough, it didn't leave when I played the piano o-o So odd...and it stayed quiet whenever I played as well. I think that the only times it stayed quiet was when a) It was grooming itself b) I was petting/playing with it, and c) There was some other noise. It is so adorable X) And while I was playing, it jumped ON TOP OF MY PIANO!!!!! Sigh. That stupid cat. But yeah. After I played for a while, it went outside, and I thought it left. So I said, "bye kitty cat!" and it came back! And wouldn't leave.
My dad then just kicked it out, and I went to sleep. But the problem was, the doorstep was right below my room (if that made sense), so I could hear it continue to meow! meowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeow!!!!!!!! Sighs but I somehow found a way to sleep, once my dad went downstairs and started playing with it.
So I woke up the next day, wondering how the cat was, maybe even feeling a bit guilty about leaving it out in the cold. Then I was like, "nah, strays can survive anything" But my dad had decided to let it back in last night. =_= I was so surprised when I saw the cat with my mom next morning.
Now, I have a stray cat. What do I do? sighs

Friday, April 27, 2012


Science sucks. My grade es muy feo y no es bonita. No me gusta mi grade en la clase de ciencias naturales. Es horrible. Tambien, la profesor de ciencias naturales es sadistico (?). Ahora, estoy depressed.

Thursday, April 26, 2012


This is a really freaky video. I have just experienced a completely new and scary part of life. The girl in this video is kind of...odd. I respect her right to do whatever she wants, but honestly, it kind of scares me that there are people like her in the world.... O-O

By the way, I never finished my "Days of New York" Series because I just got really busy afterwards. T^T But nothing really exciting happened afterwards. We went to the natural history museum, met up with some old friends, and went to central park somemore. And I got top 16 at Nationals. So yeah =]

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Tuesday Day 2

Today was a very chill sort of day, because I spent most of my time with my sister and she's still kinda broken. :P So we just ate and walked around and stuff. But we did some pretty cool, New-York-only stuff X3

My sister and I started off the day with my parents, and went out to eat at this AMAZING ramen place. It was really expensive (like the rest of New York) but totally worth it :D On the way there, I saw these odd poles, which I found funny because they had signs saying "No  Standing Anytime" and there were spikes all over it XD

And here are some pics of the ramen place:
The front

My mom :P

The plates and stuff

The appetizers - OMG These were AMAZING. There were also these baos with this nomful sauce and meat and lettuce that were DELISH! But we ate them all by the time I remembered to take a picture T^T

The ramen! Yumyum

More ramen

Some of the decor

We then went to the world trading center or what not, which I found pretty boring (lol). So I didn't take many pics:
If anyone knows what that red thing is supposed to be, please tell me o-o

It was TALL

We then went to Battery Park and I fooled around and stuff X3
We saw the Statue of Liberty, but it was really far away and my iphone just would not focus =_=

A statue I saw. I have no clue what it is lolz

Some odd looking people  I saw. Ah, New York. XD

While we were at Battery Park, my sis started talking about this really good hot chocolate place, so I convinced my parents to take us. It was sooooooooooooooooooooooo good >.<

On the way there, I saw a Hunger Games dedicated place. Amazing!!

At the hot chocolate place, they were selling homemade marshmallows, which were REALLY good!! They were soft and not as chewy as store-bought marshmallows, and melted in your mouth >.<

The hot chocolate pot :P

The hot chocolate we bought. It was really creamy and tasted like good-quality melted chocolate. The thing on the fork was the marshmallow, after my sister and I nearly devoured it all XD

We went to Union Square to finish our nomful hot chocolate. At this point, we had lost my parents, but it didn't really matter XD Union Square was a really relaxing place to be.
Union Square, with the hobos and everything.

This is the flag in the middle of Union Square, but I was too lazy to take a good shot of it.


Pigeons are so much fun to chase XP

I happened to chase this one :3

As you can see in this picture

Another pigeon I tortured


We saw some awesome musicians playing there. Their music made me feel good X)

I took a pic of this building because I found the old, fading ads at the top of it to be really cool and interesting.

There was a park there too.

With lots of kids.

As seen in this picture. It was pretty amusing watching them push and shove and fall as they spinned around and around the thing they were on. >:D

Another part of the playground

Guess what it is.

My sister spacing out. And a hobo (? or a mom) in the background.

A kid desperately trying to climb to the top of the dome. And failing >:3

I dragged my sister to Petco afterwards, and I saw the CUTEST chinchillas X3 And they're cheaper than the ones in California too! By, like, 200 dollars =_=||




My sister was spacing out in a weird manner, so I decided to take a beautiful picture of her XD

We went to Barnes and Nobles after that. Petco was to the left of Barnes btw (in the picture). And the Barnes was HUGE!!! I think that there were 4 floors, and each floor was as big (or bigger) than the Barnes and Noble near my house!!

While we were exploring, I realized that we didn't have a ride home because my mom called looking for us and I never picked up (ehehe), so we took the subway. And may I say that the New York subway is the NASTIEST, SMELLIEST, DIRTIEST, MOST DISGUSTING AND REVOLTING PLACE I HAVE EVER BEEN TO, with the exception of China. I dunno how I even survived that stink hole =_= *shudders*
My sister going down to her doom

Inside the subway (it looks somewhat clean in this pic, but don't be fooled)

The railroad tracks, in all their pride and glory.

Subway Train!

Another subway train

We got back to my sister's apartment, but she didn't have her keys (they were left with my parents) so we didn't have anything really to do. So we decided to just do some stuff.
We went to a smoothie place with super yummy drinks, but apparently I wasn't supposed to take pictures of their shop because they're afraid of being copied or something (which doesn't make sense, because if someone wanted to copy their designs, they could seriously just buy a smoothie and stay in the shop examining it). Hmm. That explains the disapproving glares I got when I took pictures of other people's shops. lol

This is the drink I got. Bad lighting, sorry!

We were dead tired already, but since we were locked out of my sister's apartment anyways, we decided to go watch Broadway which I DO NOT regret. It was absolutely AMAZING!

All the shows and stuffs

The view from the ticketron where we got tickets. It looks spectacular in the night time.

There were a lot of bright lights. Which my camera sucks at taking pics of =_= That and dark places.

We bought our tickets, and since we had some time, we went to the M&M factory, which had a lot of stuff. Unfortunately, we only had 20 minutes or so, so we couldn't stay there too long. There was a whole wall of candy though X3
One of the several walls of candy :D

Another wall - Easter themed!

The huge M&M guy at the front of the inside of the M&M place.

The M&Ms we bought. We snuck them into the Broadway theater and ate them as we watched X3

My sister being the weird person she is XD

We were going to watch Chicago, which was great. Chicago is basically about murderesses that killed someone (usually their husband or lover). Velma, the person who kind of hates the main character Roxy, was an AMAZING actor. She was a bit old (it was obvious with the wrinkles that showed around her neck line), but the 6 years of experience playing her role made her the best one in the whole play, in my opinion. She had the character down completely, sang wonderfully, and had really sharp movements in her dancing. The main character Roxy had just started performing a few days ago, so she didn't flow as well with the scenes, and her singing was a bit shaky. I think she'll do better as she gets more experience though. And Roxy's husband was hilarious, but it was so sad, because he really truly loved her, but she was just manipulating him the whole time. It was also pretty funny though XD

Chicago!! Did you know that each show has their own building to perform in? Thats so cool :O

The inside of the building

The top of the building

You can't see it well, but thats the orchestra people. Unfortunately, I couldn't take pics  of the performance because it wasn't allowed =/
Other pics: